Mini Albums

Hello Everyone, I pray and hope all is well with you. Tonight I am sharing some mini albums I made for each of my daughters. Two are in Christmas papers and the other is in that daughters favorite colors. All have been totally inspired by: yt – She does amazing tutorials and they are easy to follow. Hope you enjoy. Here is the first one.

Number 2:

And number 3:

This last one I also made a charm in her favorite colors, which I guess you can tell is black, white, yellow and gray.

Baby Boy Mini Album

Hello, Hello  to everyone.  I know it has been another long while.  But I guess that is just how I roll.  lol.  I have been doing  crafty things but only have a few to share today since I tend to forget to take the picture of it before I send it off.  I have to work on that.   So on with the fun stuff.  This is only the second mini album I have every done. For this one I followed a tutorial by ““.  Since I am a slow crafter it took some time for me to complete it but complete it I did.   Hope you like it.

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Crafty things I have been up to.

Hello Everyone,  hope this post finds you all doing well.  I just wanted to come along and post a few crafty things I have been up too.  My mojo had completely disappeared for a while so to get some inspiration I watched  crafty videos on you-tube and I must say I was inspired greatly.   My first inspiration comes from  ““.  She did a video tutorial on a baby boy mini album. For me this was the first true mini album I have ever made and of course I still need a lot more practice but for the most part I think it turned out pretty good.  She inspired me so much with her tutorial that I tried it and completed it.  Thanks Tara.  My is in blues but not a baby boy theme.  Without further ado, here is what I did.  Hope you like it.

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Staying with paper my next inspiration comes from a challenge give away that I didn’t enter but was definitely inspired to check out.  The give away is from: “” and the project inspiration is created by: ““.  This was a lot of fun  although I my top tab is a little taller than I wanted but I do plan to make more. It is a purse mini album.

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A big Thank you to you all for the inspiration.